Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why is RSS a good thing?

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What is RSS?

RSS is a Web content Syndication format and its name is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. All RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification.

RSS is a standard XML format for delivering content that changes on a regular basis. Content is delivered in small chunks, generally a synopsis, preview, or headline. Using RSS, you can easily track any type of information that changes on a daily or even hourly basis (view an example RSS feed for topselling DVDs).

By Using RSS files, you can create a data feed that supplies Titles, links, and description of content from your Web site.

RSS feeds comprises two componenets.

1. RSS data feeds : (a sources of contents)

2. RSS news Aggregator:

RSS aggregator is a a System that fetches Information from your web sites and dropped it webpages like weblog and more....

RSSis the hottest thing in Web communication. It powers many popular applications such as weblogs, knowledge management networks, and news syndication.

How to use it?

There are a number of applications collectively called RSS Newsreaders designed to read, manage and display content from RSS feeds. Some of these are standalone applications, others run in your browser. Each XML icon listed below contains a link to an RSS newsfeed. In most browsers you can simply right-click on the icon, copy the link, and then paste it into a configuration screen in your RSS newsreader.

A brief history about RSS:

The original RSS (version 0.90) was designed by Netscape as a format for building portals of headlines to news sites.a simpler version, 0.91, was proposed and dropped when Netscape lost interest in the portal-making business. 0.91 was picked up by another vendor, UserLand Software, which intended to use it as the basis of its weblogging products and other web-based writing software.

In the meantime, a third, non-commercial group split off and designed a new format based on what they perceived as the original guiding principles of RSS 0.90 (before it got simplified into 0.91). This format, which is based on RDF, is called RSS 1.0. But UserLand was not involved in designing this new format.

Instead of accepting RSS 1.0, UserLand continued to envolve the 0.9x branch, through versions 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, and finally 2.0.

What is Syndication?

Syndication is the process of sharing content among sites. A link that says Syndicate this site is RSS or XML.that is the headlines, a link, and an entry description for each new weblog entry are made available for others to use on their websites or to access through a newsfeed reader program.

What is a "newsfeed reader" program?

Rather than manually checking in on each of the weblogs or news sites,you can instead use a newsfeed reader program that will compile all of the latest headlines and excerpts of your favorite sites that have enabled RSS - sometimes known as Really Simple Syndication. With a newsfeed reader you can easily and freely subscribe to content from enabled websites.

Why is RSS a good thing?

For the content viewer, the ability to subscribe to content using RSS means that you can easily get content that you want without every having to worry about spam. The content doesn't go to your email box, it goes to a news feeder. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to whatever content you want.

For the content provider, you can help popularize your site by making it really easy for people to keep up-to-date with your latest entries.

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